
Tips For Students Giving Board Exams

Yet again, one more year, board exams are around the corner… Pull up your socks, it’s show time now!

Date sheets are out and so shall be your pens. The fear of examinations saps the courage and energy if the students and especially when you give the ‘Board Exams’ for the first and the last time. The bright students, as well as the full ones, tremble with fear the night before the examination. So for the ones biting their nails, just remember that there is nothing new to prepare, all that you have been taught is what is asked.

So, guys , life is a challenge and exams are a part of it. Take the challenge and make a strategy to tackle it with ease because even a single mark can make or mar your future.

Some tips can be:

  • Defeat yourself, it’s only with you that you have to fight. By creating your two sides, The Present and The Past, always try to defeat your own past by working harder and by setting targets higher.
  • Prepare a timetable, according to your preferences, keeping in mind all the subjects are being covered.
  • An easy way to revise can be by jotting down the main points of the answer rather than writing the entire answer.
  • Give equal concentration to all the subjects, even if you hate one, you have no choice. Develop a conceptual understating of all the subjects rather than just cramming up things, which may lead to the loss in future.

  • Study the learning subjects in the morning, like business studies, English or subjects like history, political science and practical subjects like accountancy, maths, physics, etc in the evening.
  • Know your weak points well, and work accordingly on them. Try to work on them so hard that they turn into your strong ones by scratching them to the depth.
  • Solve as much previous examination papers and the model test papers with making proper time schedules and keeping your time limit as 3 hours. Usually, previous year papers are considered as key to success in Board exams. And interestingly, the internet is filled with such things, so no need to buy expensive books.
  • Take frequent breaks while studying, never study at a long stretch. Your mind and body need rest and nourishment at regular intervals.
    So avoid coffee and acidic drinks which tend to elongate your waking time. Instead take green tea, lemonades or coconut water. And drink as much water as you can. Keep yourself hydrated.
  • Maintain regular sleep. And never be up till late before the night of the examination. And preferably leave study before 30minutes of sleeping.

Some bonus tips can be:

  • Close all your social media accounts, including that of Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp. Say a goodbye to all such distractions for a while.
  • Keep a rational approach, pack your bag well that is, don’t forget to carry your admit card, pens and all the stationary items required. Do a neat and a clear paper, take extra sheets without any hesitation. But be sure you leave at least 2 lines before beginning with the other one.

  • Before starting with your exam read all the instructions carefully. Keep your pens out, pencils sharpened and yourself ready. Never wait for the last minute. And meditate before starting, it makes you patient and your mind goes sound.
  • Don’t leave the examination hall early, revise again and again. Make sure you did all the questions (attempt all question always, if you know a bit about them, write whatever you know) following the word limit and have written the right question number.
  • Calm – Cool – Confident, follow this. Never stress yourself. Keep calm and patient with everything and everyone.

Thus just like the God provides nest to the bird but to earn food they work, similarly we can guide you, make the way clear for you, but it’s you who will have to walk on that path, leaving your footprints.

Board exams have an altogether different atmosphere, enthusiasm, zeal, tension, shocks and goosebumps but you need to maintain your composure.
So examinations shall be a healthy process of testing one’s ability and not a fearful experience.

Tanya Madhian

Hi! I reckon on that fact that if it doesn't open , then it's not your door. Writing about my personal experiences and some hot topics is my passion. Meeting people and visiting new places is what encourages me.

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