Tarot Reading 28th June 2020 – 5th July 2020

Aries (21 March –19 April)

After a lot of anxiety and a little humiliation, the wheel is turning in your favour. You have received a lot of setbacks in life, and you are still wary of giving your approval to something meaningful. You feel you will get the same set back this time too. You are right in some respects, but you will have to move ahead, and there will be some essential things that you will have to do now.
You cant stand here forever. You have to take this big decision, and this decision might fill your family with happiness. One decision can bring you a lot of joy. So don’t shy away to take that call. Time is favourable. Go ahead with your plan. Don’t keep holding and delaying this decision forever. His opportunity won’t come back again. Say “yes” to life and see what beautiful things happen. This risk is worth it BUT first convince yourself. Don’t drag taking this decision. Be quick!
Taurus (20 April – 20 May)

Have you been experiencing aha moments lately? This is your intuition speak to you, and you must have noticed that the others also tell you something incredible that has a lot of value. Take these messages as a word from you guardian angels, God and start working on these messages. They have come to you for a reason so that you accomplish something. You will reach somewhere where life is very calm and serene, and you will get there with the help of your family.
Listen to everyone and of your intuition as well. You might now know where you will reach, but you will reach somewhere where you will be happier than ever. Embark on this journey with your past experiences but not with the baggage of the past. There is a difference. Go along the way with positive thinking and leave the rest of the past behind. You don’t need them. Go with the flow, and you will reach a better place.
Gemini (21 May – 20 June)

There has been a significant upheaval in your family. And it is more about your married life than anything else. There have been fights between you two, and you don’t want to get back together with each other. You are not in talking terms with each other. Its been a decade long love or even more that is at stake. Don’t make this an issue of the ego. Start talking and you both have made mistakes because of which you have come to this stage. You have worked so hard to keep up this marriage, and now you don’t care.
Don’t become careless as far as your marriage is concerned and don’t take your partner for granted. You will repent later if you don’t apologies for your mistakes to her/him now! Celebrate the differences instead of fighting. Your fights have an extremely adverse effect on your children, and this is very dangerous. Don’t mess with life that you lose everything.
Cancer (21 June – 22 July)

Are you extremely strict with your children? You are, and this is making them extraordinarily meek and shy. Why do you do that with your children? Your parents were less strict, and they hardly controlled you, but you want so much of discipline from your children, they are getting tired of being so timid that they are always on toes to please you. Give them their personal space and let them do what THEY want.
You are very demanding of them and you yourself never followed your parents’ instructions, you want everything from your children. Get over this habit of making them like you. They can be a better version than you if you let them PLAY. Don’t come in between their leisure time. You are extremely sad at handing your kids. Stop harassing them – let them enjoy their childhood.
Leo (23 July – 22 August)

Are you a student and you have a problem in concentrating and focusing on studies because you have a function coming very soon and you are very excited about it?
You should know that your studies are vital, and this is your crucial year. Your whole life depends on this exam. That’s why you should focus on your studies entirely. Also, you are very meticulous in studies hence don’t let anything distract you from studying. You will see your hard work paying off in the results that come in some days or even weeks. Calm your mind and celebrate your success if not this function. Your future is dependent on this exam; hence don’t lose your focus from the studies.
Virgo (23 August – 22 September)

Are you anxious about something? In fact, worried all the time? There is a lot of responsibility for you, and you have personal problems as well. Problems, issues, situations have taken a toll on your mental peace. Nothing seems to go right in your life. You really need a break from your chaotic life and go somewhere alone for some time and have fun. You need some lighter moments. If it isn’t possible to go away, leaving household, then do something simple to lighten your mood.
Watch or read some comedy, play or watch any game, a movie will do wonders, and a long drive maybe? There are various things you can do and think of something that you haven’t done so far. Think of things that you haven’t done for a long time. Do something that you love and see how your problems vanish away. Do these small things and beat your stress.
Libra (23 September – 22 October)

Have you received a set back from your own people? You have, and you are diverting your mind by doing good work – charity. You have been hurt brutally, and now you are passing your time by donating, doing charity plus also by helping poor and needy people. You have plenty of money, and you are financially robust. And you love doing charity. You love helping people, and that’s why you are very famous as well throughout the city you live in. People know you, and they also donate to your charitable trust.
It’s a good life, but you are sad from within. Your own people have left you and misunderstood you. It is not the time to sit and let them go. Talk to your family and sort out things immediately. If they don’t initiate, you do that and make them understand you better. Don’t waste any time, just do it.
Scorpio (23 October – 21 November)

Do you like to discourage people? You seem to have a pessimist personality. You discourage people a lot. You think that life is always bad and it will forever remain the same and that it will never be good. This thinking of yours has made you famous in a negative way. People who know you avoid taking advice from you because they have been discouraged before and they think you will not understand them. Because of this, you have people by your side but, they don’t share their problems with you.
Others have rejected this pessimism and your negative attitude in front of you, but you don’t change and as if you want to believe that life has been bad, is terrible and will continue to be so. You are so negative that no positive come out from you. See yourself in a mirror and ask yourself – “is life too bad”?
Sagittarius (22 November – 21 December)

Have you been retired recently? And you are sad because, after years of hard work in a company, you did not receive as much pension as much you were expecting. And you feel you don’t have that energy or power to complain your higher bosses of the previous company about this injustice. You are thinking way too much and what you should really do is to speak up. You have to raise your voice and see how much things change after you stand up for yourself.
Don’t miss the opportunity and speak up. You should never keep mum if there is any injustice. If no one stands for you, take the lead and stand up for yourself.
Capricorn (22 December – 19 January)

Have you quit your job to commence a startup? It seems like that there has been a closure of some sort and it is a job that has been left; now you have to start something afresh. You are building your own business. Although you don’t have many resources with you, but you still can do a few things to get the most out of this situation.
You should go alone. Work with people. Try to balance out various areas of your life by prioritising your work. And you should refrain from spending too much. Basically, you need to balance your life, and everything else will fall in place naturally. It is a new phase of your life, work hard and smart and avoid shortcuts.
Aquarius (20 January – 18 February)

Are you a pragmatic person who has an enthusiastic nature and very active as well? Yes, you are that kind of person. You have everything in yourself that one should be proud of, but there is just one thing missing in you – a direction to go into, a goal and a way where you will meet your dreams. You don’t know where to go, how to go and what to do.
In this case, you can go to a counsellor and talk your heart out to her/him. Ask yourself first; what do you want to become? As you are young and energetic. Or maybe, you should go into journalism. In journalism, you will be able to fulfil your dreams. You are naturally curious and inquisitive, and this profession can help you in every possible way. Take counselling in this as well, and choose the best option for you.
Pisces (19 February – 20 March)

Are you dating someone? You aren’t serious about this relationship, and you don’t want this relationship. You don’t fear breakup as much as you fear of being with the wrong person for you. You want a steady relationship, but that feeling is not coming in this relationship.
Perhaps it is true. If you are not happy, or your heart and mind don’t want to continue, it is better to do it now when things are light. If anyone of you becomes serious, going apart might break somebody’s heart. Whatever decision you want to take, take it now. You have been dating for two years and more and if things are not gelling well, then take a step back and review this relationship. This is the right time. Decide.