Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited Jamnagar on Tuesday for the inaugural of the first phase of Saurashtra Narmada Avataran for Irrigation(SAUNI) project.He opened the pipeline to release water into the dam at the Aji-3 dam site.The scheme works by channeling excess water from the Narmada through 1,126 km long four-link pipelines.The Rupee 12,000 crore project will bring Narmada water to 115 reservoirs in 11 districts of Saurashtra.The scheme is expected to supply irrigation water for 10.22 lakh acres of land.The project was announced in September 2012.
Later,the PM addressed a public rally in Sanosara.He talked about the time when farmers approached him with electricity issues and he had suggested them to focus on water conservation instead.This project thus marks a great victory for him as he fulfilled his promises.He also promised frequent visits on his behalf,given that he is now settled in Delhi and this was his first public rally in Gujarat after he became PM in May, 2014.He further talked about an increase in urea production and how it has ensured that fertilizers reach the farmers on time.
The event was attended by a lot of people,out of which most were BJP workers.The scheme is expected to raise the living conditions of the farmers as the region is a drought-hit region.The PM thus put an end to the dry spell in the region.