An Open Letter to PM Modi in favor of Para Military Forces

Most Respected Sir,
Recently you have announced OROP for employees of Armed Forces. Though, it is a very good step taken by you. Although, you’re government has not given full of the legitimate demands of OROP as demanded by “Fauzi” in view of Budget/ money etc. but I am happy that now scheme implemented & will get better in coming time.
You know those persons are devoting their life for our motherland but unfortunately (knowingly or unknowingly) your government has not included “Para- Military Forces” in this process. You better knowing that person working in these forces are working in same conditions & also devoting their life for our country of the same degree. For example– In non-war situations (now maximum non-war situation prevails presently as our enemy countries are now preferring cold war only) much more personnel are killed (Become Shahid for India) then of Armed Forces but your government not included these persons for OROP. I challenge you to kindly see data that how many BSF persons killed in border firing, how many CRPF/ITBP/SSB/Assam Rifle persons were killed in anti-nexal operations, fighting with anti-national activities and anti-terrorists activities.
In a country like India if a Mohammedan killed by anyway — his family will get 45 Lacs+ Job+ House+ etc. + etc. but if a person of “Para Military Forces” become “Shahid” for Mother Land- his family will get even less then of a “Fauzi”.
What is your opinion will you called it as through injustice or it is a normal situation. Further, injustice was also there in many service conditions viz. pension rulings, retire-mental benefits, Pension schemes, Ration, Canteen & much much more between Armed Forces and “Para Military Forces” which are thoroughly different & unfortunately for doing same work/ sacrifice a person of “Para Military Forces” will get much much less money, perks & even Gallantry Awards to then anyone. Unfortunately neither he is termed as “Fauji” & nor he is termed as a Police person—“Duvidha main dono gaye maya mili na Ram”.
What is your opinion? Will you called it as through injustice or it is a normal situation. If it is through injustice then to whom we may request for bringing all service conditions at par of Armed Forces.
In view of foregoing, may I call your kind attention on the situation. I come to know that w.e.f 02.11.2015 the retired employees of “Para Military Forces” are going to organize a Request Dharna at “Jantar Manter”, N. Delhi. If you earnestly think that my above facts are demanding a small change THROUGH YOU to bring the “Para- Military Forces at par with Armed Forces—in all type by word & feeling”, please go to them on 02.11.2015 itself & announce at their platform that my government is a sensible government & for justified demand you not have to sit here & also insist them to invest their retired time in taking active part in various program launched by your government (OUR TOO) like “Swach Bharat, Beti Bachao” etc. etc.
One more thing I want to add that the other Officers (IAS etc. & even of Armed Forces too) were make hindrances of many types & will tell you the Money Factors including budget but I want to add again that when Delhi government is going to increase the Pay & Perks of MLAs FOUR TIME (that too Income Tax free) in one go & not thinking about budget then why all these things are quoting for the persons who have invested their GOOD TIME & always remain ready to sacrifice himself for Motherland.
I am earnestly waiting for your opinion/ response in the matter.
S. S. Shekhawat