Is Your Personal Data Safe ? Know More About Cyber Breaches

Good morning companies!
Don’t you think making Cyber Breaches public in India should be mandatory?
Companies should realise that cyber-security is good marketing. People have got hundred of options when it comes to relational databases or cloud computing. What they actually want is safety, security and retainment of data.
Customers would love to keep up with the terms if they believe that the products they are buying are safe and secured.
Breaching issue came to the fore a few weeks ago, when fast food chain McDonald’s India asked users to update its app as a “precautionary measure.” It further said that the app doesn’t store sensitive financial information of its users and that it is safe to use. It leaked information such as customers email addresses, phone numbers, names etc.
Why should we worry?
1. India has got a problem of remaining silent. Knowingly about each and everything from debit cards to the breach at Yahoo.
2. Just be aware of the fact that, India is the fourth country that has been attacked by Web Application the most.
3. A fact that shows that India has a million of users incoming each year.
4. It does show that companies are taking their attention towards security issues but this is a major concern.
Making breaches public should be mandatory and is the wake-up call companies need. Then the management will be all ears. The more proactive ones will also realise that good cybersecurity can be good marketing.