IIT (BHU) Varanasi’s Digital Arts Workshop

IIT (BHU) Varanasi’s annual digital arts festival, the FMC Weekend, was unveiled on Friday. The opening ceremony saw the Council post holders address the attendees. Seven workshops had been conducted so far, and three more workshops are going to be undertaken today. This fest, spanning over three days, is currently in its 7th edition. This is the first time that the fest is being conducted virtually.
Yesterday was the second day of the fest. Workshops by established persons such as Srinivas Mohan, Rohit Dawesar, Ritam Bhatnagar and RJ Shashank were successfully convened.
11th April, i.e. today, is the final day of the fest. The following workshops have been planned for the day:

Documentary Making Workshop by Akanksha Damini Joshi at 11.00 AM
Design Workshop by Sahil Dev at 2.00 PM
Photography Workshop by Aarzoo Khurana at 5.00 PM
(At 7.30 PM today, the closing ceremony will take place.)
Visit www.fmcweekend.in for more details surrounding the fest. The fest ends today, so make sure you don’t miss out.
Stay tuned to keep yourself updated.
Facebook – facebook.com/fmcweekendiitbhu
Instagram – instagram.com/fmc_weekend
Linkedin – linkedin.com/company/fmc-weekend-creative
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