10 Tips To Make A Lasting Impression On Tinder Dates

“I have a date today …”
Swipe right and somewhere across the globe someone swiped right too and tada.. , you are matched on Tinder. If you have heard about tinder then congratulations you know about the second most used dating app in the world with 50 million users worldwide and if you have not heard about the app then either you are in a relationship or you are living on a different planet. Tinder can be said to be the latest fad among youth. People join tinder to heal their broken hearts or to spice up their boring lives which consist of maybe eating and sleeping.
Some people take tinder dates as a way to refresh themselves. A break from targets to be achieved, boss yelling or college assignments. Tinder has even been a platform where people met and got married. It depends on how a particular country accepts the concept of online dating.
Now the problem with tinder is people across the globe are matched with others who have similar interests, likes and dislikes. So a person can have multiple dates scheduled in a week. So it is in your hands for how long you will stay in your date’s mind. Making an impression becomes necessary here otherwise your name may not be seen in the chat analogue.
So here is your list of tips:
#1: Don’t dress to simply impress
You may want to go shopping to buy that perfect dress for your date, but do look for something which makes you feel comfortable not just hot and sexy. Boys should dress up like a gentleman. Girls should dress up like a lady and attitude should be worn by both of them. You don’t want to seem too desperate, do you?
#2: Be on time
So this is the most important thing to be done on the first date, isn’t it? We have heard “ First impression is the last impression.” Not being on time on the very first date will definitely not give a good impression. Even if you have to purchase a gift for your date you need it to plan it in a certain way.
#3: No ex to be mentioned
A person drooling over his/ her ex ‘s memories and mentioning about the same in every other sentence is a complete turn-off. Such thing is not appreciated by any person. I guess there will be a lot of things to talk about which would be way more interesting than telling about which was your favourite place to go to with your ex.
#4: Venue selection should be good
Night clubs, hookah bars or parties may not prove to be good places to bond with your date. On the very first date, you need to talk, talk and talk. A cafe with soft music playing in the background or a dinner date may be way better choices than loud places. Choose the right venue so that you have more chances for a second date as well.
#5: Try to make your date comfortable
The first meeting is exciting but it also sends some nervous vibes in the body. What kind of person he or she will be? What should I speak? How should I greet ? are the questions that generally pop up in our mind before the first date. Finally, on D-DAY these feelings make us super nervous and we end up making blunders. So try to feel comfortable yourself and make your date comfortable too.
#6: Keep your phone aside
Peeping into your phone to check facebook notifications, Instagram likes or even worse chatting with other tinder match is a no no. Do not just get into your phone. It makes the other person feel ignored. Give him your 100% attention. That is important to last in a person’s mind.
#7: Don’t pretend
People who pretend to be rich, fools .cool or whatever are thought fools.Just show who you are and what you like. Do not fake yourself to be the person you are not. Do not show off your car, your phone or your dress too much.
#8: Etiquettes are important
You need to be a bit more manner full on the first date. Guys show the gentleman etiquette you had been storing in. This is the perfect place and girls try to be more real not expecting the boys to do everything. For eg: There is no rule that boys have to pay for the first date. The best thing would be to go divide the bill. This creates a good impression.
#9: Build a connection
Try to build a vibe with the person. People who bond well with each other will surely go for another date. Try to talk about similar interests and express yourself openly. This will help you to know each other better as a person.
#10: Just enjoy
Enjoy the date to the fullest. Capture the moments and live in the moments. After all, it is just a date. Don’t be conscious of the fear of being judged by the other person. Try to clear out your expectations with the date.
Dates should be considered more as hangouts to ease the nervousness between the two people. I hope you would like to go on dates now. With the same person of course, just kidding, Go have some fun.