The group, Author Paradise, has been working beyond limits to ‘Promote Readership’ in the country and has worked with more than a 100 authors to provide them with a platform for book launches, promotions and publishing. Founded two years ago by a group of avid readers and bookworms, they have launched more than 15 books in Hindi and English in less than a year.
In their recent visit to the city, they successfully launched a debut novel, at Cafe City Monk, of Sohil Ashwin Shah, a senior account manager by profession. The cafe had been lit up with yellow lights and lots of books around which was a heavenly abode for any reader.

The book is titled ‘Come Back to Leave Me… Again’ which addresses certain questions like ‘Why Love seems always beautiful in Romantic Movies and Novels, but not in a real life? Why should the lovers not be in any kind of the relationship after their breakup? Why the ex-lovers always try to deal with damages instead of trying to stay together?’

“It took almost two years for me to complete this novel’, he told Tushti Bhatia, co-founder of Author paradise. The cover page of the novel is a really interesting and warm concept that was designed by the author’s friend. Apart from being a voracious reader of Indian Romance, he has a passion for singing as well. The book shall soon be available at all major online retailers.
The book was launched by none other than the author’s parents, whose chest swelled with pride to see their son living is dreams. Sohil is now working on a biography of his father, who has been his idol since the time he first opened his eyes.