The rising star of Bollywood, who took no time to make his presence felt and rose to fame in the very beginning of his acting career, Vicky Kaushal is truly a gem. The support and love that he has received in such little time is commendable. And winning the audience in times of such cut-throat competition is no cakewalk. You have to have something in you that can help you stand out from the crowd. And Vicky Kaushal definitely has that ‘something’ to have achieved success in such a short while.
But all this fame and success do not come on their own. They bring along with them a lot of trolling, criticism, rumours and issues being made out of the smallest things that you do. In his case, it has been his choice of films that he plans to do. With great business done by his Raazi and he gave a back to back hit with Uri following, it is being said that he is trying to do more of such movies linked to nationalism because people have begun to see him with more respect and a true nationalist. And with him announcing his upcoming Sardar Udham Singh, the claim of him trying to feed on nationalism has gained more strength.
But before making any comments about it, I personally would like to throw light on certain points. First of all, we need to know what exactly nationalism is. According to the Oxford dictionary, nationalism means ‘identification with one’s own nation and support for its interest’. And the environment all the world at this point of time is somewhat patriotic, be it US, India, Pakistan, Iran etc so it becomes a very interesting topic to be discussed. As we can say ‘patriotism is in the air’ if someone is repeatedly doing such films it is quite natural on our part to think so. The next thing that I would like to say, in fact, would like you to ask yourselves is aren’t other actors doing such movies that are, is he the only one doing this. The answer is a big no. so if everyone is doing the same thing how can we point our fingers only on one person. Is it because he is doing it at the beginning of his career and we tend to often develop an image of the person on the basis of the so-called ‘first impression’?
What I would say is that first, we need to think well about what we say about anyone, be it a film star or a normal person like us. It is our sole decision to make any choice we wish to and if anybody tries to interfere with that or make any harsh comments, how do we react? So, we need to understand that he is also a human and doing films is his job and we are nobody to make any comment about that or force him into changing his decisions. If we like him, we must watch him and if we don’t, it’s perfectly okay to shift our focus onto something that we enjoy and relate our thoughts to. He is being received by the audience because they like the way he is acting and they relate to him. So why do we want to create a controversy about it and why not we enjoy his work happily. And finally, nationalism is not something that you can show to others or flaunt about you having that feeling. It is something very inherent and cannot be developed artificially. So, no film can wake or suppress the feeling of nationalism in you. It is only you who can do it.