Participate in CodeShastra and win prizes worth Rs. 2 lakhs

The advent of technology has provided a platform for the youth to use their imagination and creativity to augment innovative solutions to complex real-life problems existing in society. Hackathons are programming competitions where participants compete to design an elegant, efficient solution for the real-world problem statements.
“Whether you want to uncover the secrets of the universe, or you just want to pursue a career in the 21st century, basic computer programming is an essential skill to learn.” — Stephen Hawking.
One of the most revered and highly anticipated Hackathons taking place in the city is CodeShastra. CodeShastra 6.0, presented by DJCSI and DotSyndicate is a 24-hour hackathon organized by the official student chapter of the Information Technology department of Dwarkadas J.Sanghvi College of Engineering. DJCSI is one of the pioneers of 24-hour hackathons in Mumbai. There are going to be about *400* developers from all around the city participating in it in teams of *2-4* each.
Codeshastra 6.0 takes place for 24 hours with brilliant, ebullient, creative minds working cohesively to create an efficient solution which would be beneficial for the society. Our Title Sponsor is DotSyndicate and we have Quantiphi and Devfolio being our Associate sponsors. Judges and mentors from industry giants like TCS, Quantiphi, Foxmula, and Oracle will be present at the event for identifying the next Sundar Pichai’s, and Satya Nadela’s out there.
Codeshastra 6.0 has a total prize worth Rs. 2 lacs which includes gifts, coupons and cash prizes. We also have The Souled Store, D Link, CloudSpoilt and Mobilla tech sponsoring us along with premium technical partners in Fold and Matic.
The theme for this year’s competition is Social Responsibility with a view to guiding participants in doing their bit for the society. The domains are Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, and Blockchain. The event is being held on the 7th and 8th of March, 2020. Problem statements are provided by Quantiphi, Foxmula, and TCS one day before the Hackathon for the participant’s pondering and preparations. Codeshastra offers enthralling learning and career opportunities with Quantiphi and Foxmula offering internships to selected teams.
All in all, Codeshastra 6.0 is an unprecedented opportunity for every inquisitive programmer to learn and grow. We urge all programmers to participate in CodeShastra 6.0 because it is a place where technology meets innovation, talent meets opportunity and imagination becomes reality.
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