New Year Resolutions Every Couple Should Make

Every relationship has its ups and downs and no matter how perfect your relationship is, there’s always a room for improvement. If you want to make 2015 a little less complicated, a little more romantic and a lot more beautiful and strong then be sure to make these New Year resolutions.
Say no to petty fights
It’s okay to argue and fight like the sky has fallen down, once in a while. But decide to stop bickering about small things. He forgot to pay the electricity bill – laugh and forget about it. He forgot your birthday – by all means pick up a broom and sweep him out :p, All in all, choose your battles wisely.
Cook Together
Cooking dinner together is a great way to spend some quality time with your partner. You can gossip about your colleagues, or share your childhood memories of lunch boxes or can simply brainstorm on how to make the dish you’re cooking more innovative. The idea is to create meals and thereby creating memorable conversations.
Stay healthy together
There’s more than one way to get all hot and sweaty. This year make a resolution to exercise more and stay fit. A healthy body is a healthy mind, and a healthy mind means a happy mind and that means fewer fights, fewer arguments, more energy and more sex!
Do “good deeds” together
Enrich your relationship by doing good, noble things together. Visit an old age home, do some charity work for orphanages, or simply donate a generous amount to your favorite NGO. These selfless acts will bring the two of you closer spiritually and emotionally.
Less criticism, more compliments
We are brilliant when it comes to criticising and finding faults in our partners; aren’t we? Well, how about becoming a master in giving compliments in 2015? Even a simple compliment like, “I’m lucky to have you in my life” can not only strengthen your bond but it can also boost your partner’s confidence. Couples who have been together for more than a few years tend to take each other for granted. Complementing one another is one good way to bring back that spark in your love life.
Heart to heart talks
A lot of relationships fall apart because of lack of communication. Learn to express your emotions. Whether it’s love, anger, your needs, your insecurities… don’t hesitate in talking about it. Once in a month make it a point to sit down and talk heart to heart. It doesn’t matter whether it’s good, bad or ugly as long as you two decide to support and understand each other’s feelings.
More kisses, more hugs
Decide never to leave the house without a kiss or a hug. It may be a small thing, but these everyday gestures go a long way.
Romantic dates
Remember those early days of a relationship when you simply couldn’t wait to surprise your lover with gifts and candlelight dinners? Bring back your romantic side this year. Take your partner dancing, make a handmade card, bake a chocolate cake, book a romantic holiday… the idea is to feel like your relationship is brand new, like the first day you fell in love. And you can only achieve this by keeping the romance alive.
Break a bad habit together
He smokes a lot, you nag a lot; he spends too much on mobile phones, you spend too much on branded clothes; he gets jealous for no reason, you get suspicious on every reason… If you have a problem with each other’s habits, make a pact to get rid of them one by one.
Get rid of the past baggage
Remembering the hurtful things you’ve said and did to each other is not going to help you in any way. Just bury the past resentments, the “ex” issues and move forward. Go for couple counseling sessions, if need be, or talk heart to heart, as we advised. If you don’t want to do either then forgive and forget and ring in 2015 with a big, bright smile on your face and a big, fat kiss on your sweetheart’s face.