Tarot Reading 20th July 2020 – 26th July 2020

Aries (21 March –19 April)

Source: Ruhaniyath by Shefali

You are thinking in a very literal way. You think that only after working very hard and earning lots of money, you will fall into a relationship, and marry someone. You think that only after earning a lot, one should marry.

But you forget to acknowledge that there is a higher power that decides your fate. This higher power wants you to get into a relationship or marry someone of your choice. Even if you don’t have anyone in your life, there are very high chances of you meeting someone who would take your heart away. So, don’t try to control your destiny so much that you lose this opportunity of loving someone or marrying someone. It is in fate, and nothing can change it. Your plans might not work, and you might just fall into love.

Taurus (20 April – 20 May)

Source: Ruhaniyath by Shefali

Life has taught you many lessons, and one is of much hope after poverty. You have experienced every high and every low of life and the way you now live your life can be termed as cautious. You are always careful as to what you should do next. This habit of yours has bore fruits and has helped you a lot. This is because you take calculated risks. This is the right way of doing things, and recently you have expanded your business which has been profitable as well.

Keep being cautious as this is the right way of doing things in your case. These cautions have made you an excellent businessman, and you are advised to help others also with your business skills. Help those who need you and you can open a consultancy or alike branch of your business as well so that you earn through that business as well. You can handle these businesses very well hence this advice for you.

Gemini (21 May – 20 June)

Source: Ruhaniyath by Shefali

You are so adamant about growing that you are always swimming against the tide and yet winning every battle. This situation will continue for some time, and after that, you can sit back and relax. There are challenges, but the way you handle your challenges and obstacles, you should be so proud of yourself that you have managed to achieve so much despite so many problems on the way.

Time is favourable to you, and you should continue this momentum until you get a breakthrough, and things become easier for you. Until then, keep working hard and keep fighting your battles. You are on the right track.

Cancer (21 June – 22 July)

Source: Ruhaniyath by Shefali

How are you living with so much in your head? You are full of guilt, shame, and so much of stress related to something that happened to you and which wasn’t your fault at all. By being guilty, you are proving others right.

You have no clue that whatever happened to you was a conspiracy of those people who dislike you. You have become a focal point of a group of people who love to play politics, and they involve you into their games, by making you feel guilty, they are actually winning this battle. Don’t fall into this trap. Do not feel guilty of anything. It wasn’t your fault, and it was staged. It was pre-planned. Don’t give those people chance of overpowering you because you are becoming over-sensitive and emotional and they are playing tricks with you.

Understand their game plan and remove yourself from such people immediately. Detach from these people as they are not suitable for you. They are selfish and cruel, and giving you mental tensions. Go away from such people immediately.

Leo (23 July – 22 August)

Source: Ruhaniyath by Shefali

Be careful in the days to come because you will be experiencing strange things – you will be shaken entirely, and yet you will feel that some higher is protecting you from worst. Something terrible will happen, but you will be saved. Take the best of this situation. You will be wholly shaken, and there could be someone who would be taking advantage of you at the same time.

You might start feeling that life is terrible, but instead thank God for saving you from the worst. Such incidents happen to you so that you learn to trust God. That some higher power is there which helps you in your worst, and protects you from being harmed. Learn your lesson and move on from this situation. Don’t get stuck in your past so much so that you don’t see a hopeful future.

Virgo (23 August – 22 September)

Source: Ruhaniyath by Shefali

A fantastic new opportunity presents itself. It may have come as a surprise, but you’ll still want to leap into action and passionately pursue every possibility. Make sure that your mind is open and eyes as well as this opportunity will stay there for quite a long time but not for eternity. Make sure you decide about this opportunity as soon as possible and not miss it because of your indecision. You may also feel that you are trapped in your situation, but that’s not true.

Be careful not to focus upon material wealth overly, and break free of negative thinking. Don’t feel trapped but try to come of this situation with courage and wit. With the right frame of mind, you will be able to come out of this situation. Also, it is crucial to make a detailed plan before starting any new endeavour. Once you have that plan in place, then you can take immediate action and get as much accomplished as possible. A detailed plan will help you in the longer run. Think long term in this scenario. Take small steps but plan for a bigger goal.

Libra (23 September – 22 October)

Source: Ruhaniyath by Shefali

Your family is furious on you because of the financial losses that you have gone through. It was not your fault, and you are not to be blamed, but the situation is such that everyone is high tempered right now, and fights are normal these days in your family. You should calm your people down and make them understand the actual incidents that have happened because your parents don’t know about them.

Make them know that it wasn’t your fault, but circumstances lead to your crumbling. Also, you are being presented by a new business idea; don’t let it go away from you because of your past experiences. If you feel that you can do that business very well, go for it. Don’t hesitate. Past has gone, and the future is waiting for you. Be in the present moment and take that decision.

Scorpio (23 October – 21 November)

Source: Ruhaniyath by Shefali

You are unable to take any decision right now because of little knowledge about the options you have. You have to know more about the possibilities in front of you. Research and find out more about every option and then take that final decision. But make sure that you do all these things as soon as possible because if not, then no opportunity will be left for you.

Be quick in decision making. Also, don’t accept anything on the face value. Things might be different than you think and don’t take any risk right now. Don’t play with the fire because any risk you take now will have negative repercussions against you. Hence be careful of what you decide.

Sagittarius (22 November – 21 December)

Source: Ruhaniyath by Shefali

You are curious by nature and philosophical as well, and you do things accordingly. You are God-fearing, and you don’t indulge in anything that God wouldn’t want you to do. You are very careful in your actions, and you have complete faith in God. Because of this lovely habit, you have earned much popularity amongst your people, and you have goodwill in your society. God has given you enough, and you are very grateful to him for being good to you.

You see it is not about what you are given, but it is about you receiving what has been given to you, and you appreciate whatever is offered to you, even if it is lesser than others. You might not have everything that your neighbour has, but you are so grateful for whatever you have. However, less it is. This is the richness of your soul that inhibits only and only gratitude towards God. He will continue to shower their blessings on you. Always be like that and never change for anyone.

Capricorn (22 December – 19 January)

Source: Ruhaniyath by Shefali

There are a lot of new beginnings in your life which are taking you towards a better life where you will be personally delighted, and many people will follow your path as you will be starting a set up of your own – an entrepreneur and you will be setting up an example for others.

You will be starting from scratch, and this will be your beauty. You will show people how to get up and starting your own business. People will learn from you and will learn how to be patient the way you have been. It hasn’t been an easy journey for you, but you have made it through. Proceed to do so and continue inspiring people.

Aquarius (20 January – 18 February)

Source: Ruhaniyath by Shefali

You have a lot to offer to those who need it. You have wealth which if you share a little with people who are in need, your life will be made. You always wanted to help people but somehow couldn’t do what you wanted, but not it is time to start an NGO and start helping the poor and needy. You are capable of it, and you have people also who would help you and become an integral part of your NGO.

Help people and feel good because you always wanted to do it, don’t stop yourself now. You have controlled yourself a lot. Set yourself free and see how beautiful your life becomes. This one act will give you so much satisfaction that you wouldn’t want to stop helping people, but you will give yourself away wholly to this cause.

To some of you, you have to start to save money so that you can help others in need. If there is a will, there is a way, and you will go extra miles in helping poor and needy people. Do one good deed every now and then and feel happier when people bless you for your charitable work. That feeling of helping someone selflessly will soothe your soul and will drench your soul, and you will be further motivated to do the same.

Pisces (19 February – 20 March)

Source: Ruhaniyath by Shefali

You are literally living in the illusionary world these days, and you are not able to decide between what is right and what is wrong. Also, you are very confused with many options in your plate, and because of this, you are living in much confusion and bewilderment. You need something to de-clutter your life and add some meaning to it. You need that sword which cuts through the illusions and show you the reality. That sword is your discretion.

With right judgement, you can cut through the chords of illusion and see through the veil and fog of the darkness. Try to analyse everything with heart and not mind because in this case you are overthinking and worrying a lot. You feel as if you don’t think, you won’t find a solution. It isn’t the truth, however. You have used your mind enough now give it rest and try thinking from the heart.

Use your heart to decide what is right for you and what isn’t. You will realise that you have been unnecessarily thinking for no reason about the thing that didn’t even happen. You were overanalysing. So start using your discretion and remove indecisiveness from your life.

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